Not all scars on the driveway are scratches, there are also paint marks that don’t go away over time and fiber glass that has not worn away. There is a round black paint mark where I painted the differential cover plate from Kermit, Allison’s jeep. The fiberglass is where I repaired the fuel tank from Buglas. I named my VW Bug ‘Buglas, like Douglas, only different’ as I like to say.

My driveway has a lot of scars, all of which I can recall what caused them. Some of them are old, others are somewhat recent. My favorite is when I had the additional concrete poured to accommodate the side of the garage, Zora ran across leaving her trail permanently imprinted on the driveway. At first I wanted to wipe them off so the new concrete would be smooth, but decided to leave them as a tribute to my garage dog. I even wrote her name near where she ran across but only the Z can be seen today.

There is also the forms that was used to make the driveway. When we had a basketball goal we used the form boards as our shooting places when we played horse and other games. Lots of memories when I look around my driveway.

There is another scar where an old Jeep Cherokee was drug across the driveway leaving twin marks while it was being loaded onto a flatbed trailer. In 2012 Allison wrecked her Jeep Cherokee and one of the things I did was buy another wrecked Cherokee for parts to repair her Jeep. I stripped down the donor Jeep to the hull. I call that scar Chili Pepper’s Death Grip. Since that Jeep was red and I tend to name all of the vehicles I have, it was called Chili Pepper.

Another scar is where the chain under the trailer tongue drug across as my good friend Martin Starnes and I was leaving on one of our many Florida install trips. I did not notice that particular scar until weeks later when I returned home. Martin passed away earlier this year so that particular driveway scar has meaning to me.